ネセサリー説明会用 デモサイト
筑波大学ホームゲーム「TSUKUBA LIVE!」は 筑波大学が主催するホームゲームです。 ※ チケットは全てエリア内自由席となります。
2024年5月21日 12:00 – 2024年5月24日 12:00
筑波大学中央体育館, 日本、〒305-0005 茨城県つくば市天久保3丁目1−1
18時00分開演 / 17時30分開場(予定)
vs ハワイ大学
〒305-0005 茨城県つくば市天久保3丁目1−1
つくばセンター6 番バス乗り場より、筑波大学循環バスに乗車。「天久保池(左回り)」・「筑波大学西(右回り)」で下車。
Event outline
Thursday. June. 6, 2024.
START 18:00 P.M. / OPEN 17:30P.M.
Women's Basketball
Univ. of TSUKUBA
vs Univ. of Hawaii
Univ. of TSUKUBA Central Gymnasium
3-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0005, Japan
Please park your bicycle in the bicycle parking lot next to the Central Gymnasium.
・Public transportation
The nearest station is Tsukuba Express Tsukuba Station. From there, please take a bus bound for the university. Get on the Tsukuba Center No. 6 bus stop and transfer to the Tsukuba University loop bus. Get off at 'Amakuboike (Clockwise)' or 'Tsukuba University West (Counterclockwise)'. The bus schedule can be found at the following link:
*Please note that parking is not available. We kindly ask visitors to use public transportation.
・スタンド席U18:1,000円 ※1
・筑波大学生割引:-500円 ※2
※1 U18限定チケットをご購入された方は当日、
※2 筑波大生の方は以下のフォームに「学籍番号」「氏名」を入力していただくことで、
Ticket Details
Benchside seat
Courtside 1st row seat
Courtside 2nd row seat
Courtend 1st row seat
Courtend 2nd row seat
Stand seat
・General Admission:1,500yen
・U-18:1,000yen ※1
Group cheer seat
・Wheelchair seat:750yen(max. 2people)
UT Student discount
・All seat:-500yen ※2
※1 Those who have purchased tickets for U18 Student must present their student ID at the reception desk on the day of the event. However, elementary school students and younger do not need to present any identification.
※2 Students of Tsukuba University can obtain a coupon code by entering your student ID and name into the following form. Please note that coupons are limited in quantity, so please apply them promptly.
The tickets are general admission within the designated area.
The 'number' printed on the ticket is for administrative purposes and does not indicate a specific seat assignment. Please be aware of this.
Ticket Sales Period
May. 9, 2024(Thu)11:25A.M. - Jun. 6, 2024(Tue)8:00 P.M.
Please note that cancellations are not possible after tickets have been purchased.
May. 9, 2024(Thu)11:25A.M. - Jun. 6, 2024(Tue)8:00 P.M.y transfer your ticket to another person.
【最短距離でのサポートを!】 プレーだけでなく、選手たちのベンチの様子も間近で楽しめる貴重な席です。 一番近くから選手をサポートできます! 「ベンチ裏席」内は、自由席になります。 【Support at Closest Proximity!】 Not only can you enjoy the game, but you can also get up close to the action on the players' bench with these valuable seats. You can support the players from the closest distance possible! Inside the 'Benchside seat', it's open seating.
【迫力あるプレーを最前列で!】 選手たちが目の前を駆け抜ける足音や声、 プレーの振動までも楽しめる大迫力の席です。 試合の前後には選手によるファンサービスが受けられるかも…? 「コートサイド席(1列目) 」内は、自由席となります。 【Experience Powerful Plays from the Front Row!】 Immerse yourself in the thundering footsteps, voices, and even the vibrations of the players as they dash right in front of you. These seats offer an intense and exciting experience where you might even enjoy player fan service before or after the game. Inside the "Courtside 1st row seat," it's open seating.
【選手との距離感に注目!】 選手たちが目の前を駆け抜ける足音や声、 プレーの振動までも楽しめる大迫力の席です。 試合の前後には選手によるファンサービスが受けられるかも…? 「コートサイド席(2列目) 」内は、自由席となります。 【Experience Proximity with the Players!】 Immerse yourself in the thundering footsteps, voices, and even the vibrations of the players as they dash right in front of you. These seats offer an intense and exciting experience where you might even enjoy player fan service before or after the game. Inside the "Courtside 2nd row seat" it's open seating, so you can choose your spot freely.
¥0販売終了コートエンド席(1列目) (デモ用)
【ゴール下の攻防に注目!】 ゴール裏に位置する席で、ゴール下の攻防や切り込んでくる選手のスピード感、さらにはベンチにいる選手の様子や表情まで楽しむことができます。 「コートエンド席(1列目)」内は、自由席となります。 【Focus on the Battle Under the Goal!】 Situated behind the goal, these seats allow you to witness the intense struggle under the goal, feel the speed of players cutting in, and even enjoy observing the players on the bench, including their expressions and actions.Inside the 'Courtend 1st Row seat' section, it is open seating.
【ゴール下の攻防に注目!】 ゴール裏に位置する席で、ゴール下の攻防や切り込んでくる選手のスピード感、さらにはベンチにいる選手の様子や表情まで楽しむことができます。 「コートエンド席(2列目)」内は、自由席となります。 【Focus on the Battle Under the Goal!】 Situated behind the goal, these seats allow you to witness the intense struggle under the goal, feel the speed of players cutting in, and even enjoy observing the players on the bench, including their expressions and actions.Inside the 'Courtend 2nd Row seat' section, it is open seating.
¥0販売終了スタンド席 (U18割含む)(デモ用)
【少しでも近くで選手を応援したい!】 アリーナ内の席で、選手がプレーするコートと同じ目線で試合を楽しめます。 18歳以下の方は、1,000円でチケットをご購入いただけます。 「スタンド席」内は、自由席となります。 【Get as Close as Possible to Cheer for the Players!】 Situated in the arena, these seats allow you to enjoy the game at the same eye level as the players on the court. Individuals under the age of 18 can purchase tickets for 1,000 yen. Inside the "Stand seat", it's open seating.
【車いすのままで観戦可能!】 アリーナにて、介助者の方と一緒に大迫力の試合を観戦できます。1枚のチケットで最大2名までご入場いただけます。 【Wheelchair Accessible Viewing!】 You can watch the intense match in the arena without leaving your wheelchair. With one ticket, up to two people, including an assistant, can enter.